In fine print at on the last page of the Guiness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Vin Diesel, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever come to matching him.
Author: admin
Vin Diesel doesn’t believe in rubber condoms…
Vin Diesel doesn’t believe in rubber condoms. Instead, he sticks his penis in a girl, and uses that girl as a condom while fucking another.
Vin Diesel coined the phrase…
Vin Diesel coined the phrase, “I could eat a Horse” after he ate every last unicorn in existence.
Vin Diesel has always been able to find Waldo…
Vin Diesel has always been able to find Waldo, except for one time. He found himself stumped on the last page of Where’s Waldo Now?, not being able to find the Waldo without a shoe. He threw the book down and screamed, “This is BULLSHIT!” They’re all wearing shoes.” He then proceeded to eat the book and exclaim, “IF I CAN’T FIND WALDO, THEN NO ONE CAN!” The book he ate belonged to a child that he had borrowed it from. The child began to cry and Vin ate him for good measure. The incident has since been refered to as Christmas.
Vin Diesel once beat Super Mario Bros 3 without even…
Vin Diesel once beat Super Mario Bros 3 without even touching his Nintendo controller. He just yelled at his TV in between bites of his “Filet of Child” sandwich, and the game beat itself out of fear.